Fei Tian Academy of the Arts is an independent religious school located in New York. It holds an absolute charter from the New York State Board of Regents with authorization to operate grades K-12. The school also carries full registered status since July 28, 2008. Fei Tian’s registered status is equivalent to programmatic approval or accreditation in other states.
The knowledge & skills I gained at Fei Tian enriched my life & way of thinking
The knowledge and these skills I gained at Fei Tian Academy have enriched my life and way of thinking, and I know they will create a foundation for my future achievements.
Hanzi Chen, class of 2014
My daughter has become happy, sincere, patient, & polite
My husband and I had been struggling to communicate with our daughter before she went to Fei Tian Academy of the Arts. Now, she has been at Fei Tian for three years. She has become a happy, sincere, patient, and polite girl who has a sense of restraint.
Shelly Ren, Parent, Connecticut
Truly an unforgettable & rewarding experience
Going through four years at Fei Tian Academy of the Arts was enriching and fulfilling beyond the classrooms. The lessons Fei Tian taught me have stayed with me throughout college and will continue to be a guiding force in my life. Attending Fei Tian was truly an unforgettable and rewarding experience for me.
Perry Lee, class of 2012
FTAA taught me the true meaning of discipline
All of my achievements were only possible because of the years I spent at Fei Tian Academy of the Arts. FTAA helped me hone my creativity and taught me the true meaning of discipline. I apply this discipline to everything I do.
Robert Lu, class of 2011
About FTAA